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Create additional questions

You can add a new question manually or by using Generative AI to get a list of automatically generated questions.

Let’s see them both.


how to add additional question to your chatbot

To add a new question manually, click on the “+” button, give the question a title in the appropriate “Title” field and enter the relative answer.

In the Utterance field, enter all the possible variations (different ways of asking that particular question). Also in this case you can decide whether to insert the utterances manually, or use generative AI.

how to add chatbot additional utterances

After saving your first additional question, the numbering will automatically update and your question will appear in the Additional Q&A list on the right.


To add new questions with OpenAI click on the “magic wand” icon and enter a text in the prompting field.

how to add questions with openAI

By clicking on the “magic wand” icon, a window will open. Here you can use generative AI to create or upload the chatbot’s knowledge through a supervised process.

knowledge base chatbot creator

You can create your chatbot knowledge base in 3 ways.
First: by describing the bot’s domain of expertise within the box, as shown in the figure:

how to add additional question with prompting

Second, by uploading a pdf or txt document:

how to create additional question in a chatbot knowledge base with a file

Third, by crawling the URLs of your website:

how to create a chatbot qa parsing website url

To do this, type the URL to crawl:

how to insert a web url before parsing

Click on “+” button.

how to add an url before parsing

The URL you entered will appear below (use pencil to edit or trash bin to delete)

how to edit an url before parsing

Click on “Analyze web pages” to proceed:

how to start web screaping to create a knowledge base chatbot

The AI generated text will be shown in the box:

AI generated content to be integrated in chatbot knowledge base

Click on “Generate additional questions” button to automatically create intents and utterances to be integrated into your chatbot’s knowledge base via generative AI:

how to generate additional question with generative AI

Once the procedure is completed, all the intents and utterances generated from your data will be automatically shown in the box on the right:

chatbot additional questions created by generative AI

Click on the arrow icon to open each generated utterance and check its content:

how to visualize chatbot utterances

Select through the checkboxes to insert or remove utterances from the knowledge base:

how to edit chatbot utterances

Use the checkboxes on the left to select intents:

how to select a chatbot intent

Use this field to deselect or select all generated intents:

how to select or deselect all chatbot intents

Check this box if you want to launch your chatbot training immediately:

how to run a speed chatbot traning

Once finished, click on the save button:

how to save your knowledge base chatbot work

A window will appear with an overall view of the Q&As created both manually and via the knowledge base creator. Inside, you will be able to view and select the Q&A that you find most interesting and in line with the knowledge base to transfer to your bot.

additional questions added to chatbot knowledge base

The selected questions will automatically be added to the screen.
You will be able to enter each single question to fill in the answer and add different utterances of the question..

edit additional QA

As we have seen before, you can add the utterances manually, or ask for help to openAI.

how to generate additional utterances with openai