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What is a team?

The Team is the working group around your bot.

The process of creating a bot can involve different people: administrators responsible for building the bot, call center agents (for taking charge of handovers), contact center supervisors (who must be able to access the KPIs and evaluation metrics of the agents’ activities), business analysts (in charge, for example, of monitoring and interpreting the analytics and downloading the csv reports that can be further analyzed with external business intelligence software), marketing and sales managers (interested, for example, in the analytics of conversations, lead generation monitoring and bot performance), etc.

the team in crafter ai chatbot platform

When you first log in, the platform will automatically assign the Team to your username.

Every time you create a bot you can decide which Team to assign it to during the Think phase of the wizard.

To change the name of your Team, create a new one, assign other people to the team, consult the dedicated chapters.