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Download a single conversation

It is possible to download the .csv report of each single conversation.

Click on the download button next to each conversation, as shown in the figure:

how to download a single chatbot conversation

A report will be generated containing the following information:

download a single chatbot conversation report

Conversation_id: unique identifier of the conversation.

Sender: specifies who sent the message.

Sender_name: indicates the username (if present)

Text: shows the text of the message

Intent: the referring intent of the knowledge base

Action: actions of the bot

Created_at: creation date of the message

Updated_at: last message exchanged

Custom: any custom actions of the bot

Buttons: indicates buttons on which the user has clicked

Is_misses: Indicates if a “miss” was generated

Miss_managed_at: indicates if the miss has been managed by the chatbot administrator