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  4. How to perform a handover test

How to perform a handover test

Once you have enabled the handover module on your chatbot, split your screen into two windows.

Open the page of our platform that hosts your bot, by clicking on the button in the deployment phase, as shown in the figure:

how to access to chatbot test area

In another browser tab, open the handover wizard of your chatbot by accessing your profile tab, as shown in the figure:

how to access to chatbot handover

Tile two windows as shown in the image below:

how to prepare a chatbot handover test area

In the chatroom window ask the bot: “I would like to speak with an operator”

chatbot handover request

The handover wizard will notify you of a pending request, producing a sound notification:

how to open a chatbot handover request

Click on the notification to take over the request:

test your chatbot handover in this area

Simulate the conversation with the operator, to explore all the features.