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  4. Deploy


Once the “Test” phase is over, move to the last tab to deploy your chatbot.

First, you will need to create the server by clicking on the “Deploy” button.

How can I deploy my chatbot

It will take about 20 minutes to complete the creation process.

Time for a well deserved coffee break!

How to insert chatbot script inside a web page

Once the server creation process is finished, the platform will return the code to insert in the field of the html pages, where you want the chatroom to be displayed.

For future updates click on the “3 dots” button to view the 3 different update options:

How can I update my chatbot

Update models: to be done in case of changes to the knowledge base (surveys, additional Q&As and misses), only once the training has been repeated.

Update the chatroom: to be done in case of changes to the graphics and settings of the chatroom (no need to relaunch the training).

Destroy the server: this will delete the bot’s server.

NB: by clicking on destroy the server, the bot will no longer be reachable in production but you will continue to have the information saved in crafter.ai. If you destroy the server it is advisable to remove the script that you inserted in the section of the html pages that hosted the bot.