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Evaluate some conditions

With crafter.ai you can perform checks on variables using logical operators.

To do so select the option as shown in the figure:

the chatbot evaluates some conditions

Click on add a condition to proceed:

add chatbot condition

At this point a new field will be added where you can evaluate your condition:

how to set up a new condition to evaluate

Clicking on the newly created area will open the condition evaluation interface:

evaluate chatbot conditions set up area

Let’s see a simple example of usage below.

example of use

We will now create a flow where we will evaluate the user name.

evaluate user name

The user name will be saved in the slot_2 variable where we will perform a check:

how to evaluate user name with chatbot condition

Let’s check the string with the logical operator “==”.

At this point we will have the chatbot respond with the user name.

how to see evaluation output

NB: this is just an example to explain how it works.

The real possibilities are endless, take some time to do some experiments directly on the platform.