The download button allows you to download the transcript report.

The report includes each conversation between virtual assistant and users anonymously and identified by a “conversation id”, together with columns reporting the conversation start date, last message exchanged, total number of messages within each sigle conversation.
To proceed with the download, just select the conversations and press the button to get a .csv file.

Within the report, the conversation_id column shows the identification number of each individual conversation.
Conversation_starting_date and conversation_ongoing, respectively indicate the date and time of the start and duration of the conversation.
The with_at_least_one_user_message column indicates conversations that contain at least one message from the user.
Caused_handover indicates conversations that have been handed over to an operator.
The email column is filled in with the user’s email if the bot is integrated in a logged-in area.
Channel indicates the source channel where the conversation started.
Page indicates the web page where the conversation started.
Notes contain any notes inserted in the transcript area in the downloadable report.