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How to instruct your bot?(teach)

The Teach step allows you to teach your bot what to learn.

The platform helps you with a pre-set a survey that contains all the questions to allow the bot performing its basic tasks.

how to set up and complete chatbot knowledge base

The survey, on the right of the screen, contains the list of pre-set questions that you will have to fill in to train your bot.
You can go back anytime to editing each question by clicking on the blue pencil icon.

how to instruct your chatbot

By clicking inside each question, an editing screen (like the one in the figure) will open.
Paste or type the answer that the bot will have to return and format the text as you like, for example, by adding images, videos or gifs.
Click on the green “Save” icon to save and proceed to the next question.

The widget at the top right reports the completion percentage of the survey.
Once it turns green, it means that all the questions have been filled in correctly and you can proceed to the next step.

how to edit chatbot knowledge base

Use the side filters to quickly search for topics or extend the bot’s knowledge base through the survey.