Chatbots process automation – Harward Business Review’s study about collaborative overload in the workplace shows that more than 50% of daily working hours are dedicated to e-mails, calls and meeting, leaving few time for individual tasks.
This HBR research conducted over 300 companies shows that collaborative work is often lopsided: in most cases, 20% to 35% of value-added collaborations come from only 3% to 5% of employees.
This means that people that are perceived as inclined to collaborate are drawn into several projects, and this, on one hand, increase their performance and reputation, but on the other hand, transform these employees in “institutional bottlenecks” as work doesn’t progress until they’ve weighed in.
Also, collaborative employees’ effort is not repaid because their collaboration’s requests come from different offices and departments and their work remains hidden, so as resulting from HBR network analysis, often senior managers have never heard their names.
HBR study distinguish among three types of “collaborative resources”: informational, social and personal.
Informational resources are knowledge and skills that can be recorded and passed on; social resources involve one’s access and position in a network, that can be used to help others; personal resources refer to one’s own time and energy.
While informational and social resources can be easily shared, without affecting collaborators’ supply, personal resources like time and energy are limited.
Unfortunately, people often demand for personal resources and despite asking for information or contacts, they require personal assistance and time, even when it is not really necessary.
An exchange of 5 minutes conversation, turns up in a 30-minutes appointment in calendar, instead!
As reported in HBR study, the best collaborative employees are also the ones that end up with less engagement and personal satisfaction, and even result in leaving the organization.

chatbots process automation – improving internal processes for effective collaboration
Chatbots process automation – Chatbots are the solution for internal processes’ optimization.
Thanks to chatbots for process automation, it is possible to increase question&answer times speed by 80% as they can be used as organizational knowledge base and provide answer in no time to all employees’ requests.
In a survey conducted by Humanresourcesonline, involving a panel of 500 American managers emerged that 36% of them spend 3-4 hours per day in administration tasks, that may be easily automized using a chatbot.
Chatbots, for example, can assist HR recruiters in curricula screening activities, asking candidates fundamental questions, collecting and analysing information and finally presenting to recruiters only relevant ones.
Likewise, chatbots can assist new hires onboarding process, providing prompt answer to their frequent asked questions.
Through a chatbot interface it is possible to book conference rooms, schedule meetings, check availabilities, create events in calendar and notify participants, as well as send reminder just before the meeting starts.
ERP automation chatbots, also, can be integrated through multiple internal platforms and make data accessible with a simple voice control, as well as generate reports, send and track orders and check storage availability.
Also, chatbots can act as “virtual coach” in employees’ learning program, by engaging people in learning new skills and abilities, by notifing on latest events or seminaries, by sending relevant content customized on single individual profiles or business units, by conducting quizzes or surveys and generating reports.
In conclusion, artificial intelligence solutions, such as chatbots can make informational and social resources always available, thus optimizing collaboration inside organizations, creating a new way to access information that prevent individual energy and time consumption.
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