HR virtual assistants – Implementing new technologies to support the workforce is one of the key ways organizations can respond to the needs of their employees.

The Oracle “Workplace Intelligence Ai @ work 2021” study finds that 85% of workers globally believe that technology can help them define their career choices, more than people can.

The data show that people’s openness to innovation is increasing year by year.

In particular, during the Covid-19 pandemic, people had to adapt quickly to hybrid and remote ways of working.

The new way of working has helped to increase the demand for AI technology to support professional development and innovation in the workplace.

47% of organizations within the Oracle panel globally have already adopted AI solutions as a tool to support daily operations.

Over half of the people surveyed reveal that they would prefer to work in companies that use AI to support career growth.

These data confirm how the integration of virtual assistants into HR processes would play a role in supporting the employer branding strategy and attracting new young talents.

HR virtual assistants: millennials’ favourite channel

The percentage of millennials in the United States represents 35% of the workforce with 56 million young workers.

Millennials are used to receiving instant feedback and when they search for information they prefer to interact with Google or Alexa, rather than manually searching or interacting with another person who has to search for information for them.

This is why HR virtual assistants respond to the communication needs of the young workforce and contribute to the company’s employer branding strategy.

This doesn’t just apply to millennials.
The spread of remote work following the pandemic has changed the way of working in recent years and has increased the need for digitization, to facilitate remote work and data exchange.


Conversational AI allows managers and employees to navigate applications, initiate processes and receive information using simple text messages and voice commands.

Depending on the level of complexity and the type of requests to be managed, HR virtual assistants can perform different tasks, such as:

  • Q&A automation: VAs can handle employees’ HR FAQs, like information requests’ about company’s policy, organization and working hours, car allowance, health insurance, payslips and salary payment dates, vacation days, expence notes etc.
  • Recruitment & Talent Acquisition: virtual assistants can conduct pre-screening interviews via chat, manage interview scheduling, make appointments, send automatic follow-up emails, compare data and information to make managers’ decision making easier;
  • Onboarding: new hires can use VAs to ask first questions, upload hiring documents, fill up required hiring documentation, schedule appointments and new hire training sessions…
  • Learning & development: VAs can send notifications and reminders based on individual learning objectives, conduct surveys and collect feedback;
  • Personalized assistance: VAs support daily operations, through the automation of repetitive tasks, send automatic e-mails, schedule appointments, remind relevant events;
  • Data Analysis: VAs provide aggregate analysis of HR metrics, such as retention rate, employee turnover, sentiment analysis, headcount, payroll summary, etc.


If automation and artificial intelligence could be seen as an obstacle to human relationships, HR virtual assistants represent a new communication channel that takes advantage of the informality of conversation and a chat message.

In addition to providing concrete support thanks to the automation of numerous administrative activities, virtual assistants are an immediate interaction channel to collect feedback in an informal way, facilitate communication and help to make the HR function more accessible. .


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