What are the development worst practices? – Over the years, how many of you have found yourself saying, “I will never make this mistake again! I swear.  I’ve burned for the last time! “.

Resolutions are a wonderful thing, they help you push your limits and help make you feel like a better developer. A little more each time.

The problem is that, despite good intentions, mistakes tend to recur with disconcerting regularity.

For this reason, after a series of very useful posts on programming best practices on our Linkedin page, in a sort of ritual catharsis / self-flagellation we decided to make a list of “development worst practices” that, like a bad addiction, have plagued us for years:

  1. the use of hardcoded values to prototype on the fly and then forget them there until, perhaps after an afternoon spent trying to reproduce reliable results, you remember that a certain value cannot change because “carved” in the code as if engraved with a Snapmaker;
  2. the abuse of style nesting features of CSS pre-processors to try to faithfully follow markup nesting, ending up with rules that are thousands of characters long and too many KB files to say right that a paragraph that appears once or twice must be in Bold;
  3. overwriting the default values of the Bootstrap-like frameworks at the level of style rules and not setting the right variables and then realize that you have to do it again for each new component;
  4. leaving the code not commented, thinking I’m the only one that have to work on it (see last point);
  5. delaying refactors to develop new features only to get the feeling that the project is moving forward faster;
  6. continually postponing the in-depth study of something;

Tell us about your experience as “bad programmers”. Write your development worst practices in the comments!