Whatsapp marketing engagement chatbot
Success story

Frankie is the engagement marketing chatbot created with the CRAFTER.AI platform for TLC Marketing Italia.
The chatbot supports the partner engagement strategy and feedback request on the company’s promotional campaigns.
The virtual assistant uses the WhatsApp channel to proactively establish an outbound communication channel with the TLC Marketing partner network.


TLC Marketing is an International company specialized in loyalty programs and reward marketing campaigns that operates in 14 countries around the world.
The relationship with partners is the basis of the TLC Marketing activity which has identified in Conversational AI the potential to innovate the communication and engagement strategy with its partners and in CRAFTER.AI the ideal solution to quickly reach their objective.

“The potential of conversational AI was immediately clear. With CRAFTER.AI™ we have the possibility to open a two-way communication channel with our partners, receive instant feedback and provide assistance with the aim of optimizing the relationship with our affiliates and the performance of our campaigns”
The solution

Frankie proactively engages TLC partners via a Whatsapp chat, integrated with the Twilio platform (message traffic management software).
The engagement action by the chatbot allows the TLC Marketing partnership management team to receive instant feedback on the campaign in progress and provide information at the same time.
Partners can decide whether to receive information, through the exchange via chatbot, or to speak with a consultant in live chat through the conversation handover function.

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whatsapp engagement marketing
TLC Chatbot

Increase in redemption rate
The whatsapp engagement increased the redemption rate of TLC Marketing’s partnership engagement campaigns by 19%.

Campaigns optimization
Real time feedback collection allows TLC Marketing to obtain an immediate analysis of the performance of the campaigns and to make timely optimizations.

Increase in engagement
The “one to one” interaction improves interactions with partners and increases operational efficiency, achieving greater effectiveness in promotional campaigns.