Help desk chatbot
Success story

e-Kanbot is the help desk chatbot that supports the assistance service of the e-Kanban platform: a software for managing accounting and organizational processes.
e-Kanbot is a Q&A automation chatbot designed to simplify the access to the platform’s Help Center.


eKanban is a software platform for process management, through workflows, born in the accounting field, with the main objective of optimizing, automating and standardizing processes.
With the aim of optimizing its customer support service, eKanban has integrated its help desk service with a chatbot designed to facilitate customer access to the Help Center platform.

“I searched for a long time and checked several software before choosing Crafter.AI. Automation, integration, autonomy and personalized relationship was what I was looking for and I found with them. The way of working and the principles are very similar to ours. I am happy with the collaboration and confident of the progress and goals we can achieve together”.
The solution

Customers who have subscribed to the e-Kanban software benefit from the immediate help of the e-kanbot virtual assistant, supporting the help desk service, to give customers immediate answers and assistance.
The help desk chatbot is integrated with the handover module (conversation transfer) to allow the customer to speak directly with an operator of the e-kanban assistance service, in case of need.
In the event that the support service is not active, the lead generation module allows to retrieve the contact information of customers that need to be called back.

Help desk chatbot results
Help desk automation

Service optimization
The automatic management of recurring FAQs by the chatbot allows you to optimize the workload of the operators dedicated to the help desk service.

User experience
e-Kanban customers have a tool available 24/7 for solving self-care problems

Analytics and conversational data allow you to monitor the level of service and the activity of the chatbot and to more easily identify critical issues and areas for improvement